Phone: 724-503-1001 x6555
Office: OM 406D
Email: hkim@daves-studio.com


Hanna Kim, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Philosophy

Academic Program: Philosophy

Degrees: Ph.D. Philosophy, The University of Michigan; B.A. Philosophy, The University of Chicago

汉娜·金是哲学系副教授. 主要研究领域为美学、语言哲学和实验哲学. 她的教学兴趣包括心灵哲学、逻辑学和道德心理学. She has written articles on metaphor, aesthetic terms, imaginative resistance, experimental philosophy in journals such as the 《det365app》、《det365手机版官网》、《det365手机版官网》杂志. 她是匹兹堡实证哲学实验室的成员.